Mesa Arizona Temple

Mesa Arizona Temple
This is where I will serve part of my mission. It's so beautiful!

I'm going on a MISSION!!!!

As you all know I will be serving for the next 18 months in the Arizona Mesa Mission. My mission not only includes proselyting but also the Arizona Temple Visitor's Center. The best part is I get to learn Spanish! I'm so excited for the experiences I will have over these next 18 months. I would love to hear from everyone...seriously! I will write back those who write me so keep those letters coming, I know I am going to need them! Missionary work is tough. Once I leave on June 4th I will most likely not be able to keep up on the blog so I am putting my mom and sister in charge of that. They will post pictures and hopefully any emails I send. So keep updated on my crazy life these next 18 months. I'm so excited to get out and teach the gospel, it is going to be amazing! Thanks to everyone who has influenced my decision to go or who have supported me in my decision. You guys are awesome. I love you all!


Friday, November 21, 2008

Novemeber 20th Letter

well im sorry this is so late in the week but p-day was thursday this week....worst day ever but hey at least i have a p-day. then we have pda again on monday. crazy! well it is still hot here in arizona...though at night it gets a little chilly. i do actually have to wear a sweater. christmas lights start next week and im excited! though there will be like no time in our area i know we will see miracles. today we went to the temple and did initiatories and then we went and sat in the celestial room for about an hour. it was so peaceful! the temple is such a blessing in my life and i was so excited thinking about how when i get home i can be in the temple with so much family and friends! especially because my friends are all getting married....chalyse!!! im not upset that im missing weddings but dont be suprised if i alope...just kidding. the work is going good. everyday we get closer and closer with luis. we have a hard time with him because he likes to joke around with us. its hard not to i mean we are just such fun missionaries. but he really needs to have the desire to be baptized. everytime i think about him getting baptized it just reminds me of my friend daniel's baptism. they are about the same age and everything. i dunno he reminds me of daniel except spanish. i know i will be crying at the baptism. our 15 year old xiomara is so cute! she is trying really hard to do what is right. we came up with a plan so that she won't drink at this party she is going to on saturday. she will do great! lorena is learning little by little. she is so innocent like a child but is a great mother. she does the best with what she has. though carlos and junior were drinking the other day when we went over...never thought i would deal with a WOW problem with a 5 year old and 4 year old. but life is always exciting as a missionary. the wedding is suppose to be this next weekend the 29th...hopefully all goes as planned. to my suprise this week lorena's kids were good..i know hold your breath. lorena actually didnt come to church but the 3 oldest kids did and they sat through sacrament. it was a miracle. so maybe ill consider being a mom after all. we had zone conference yesterday. it was so good! im so blessed to have such a loving, inspired mission president. he really wants us to do well and help these people come onto christ. sis colon and i know we have a lot to work on but we are trying our best. its really easy to get down on yourself as a missionary because there is so much to do. but i love these people and i think in the end that is most important all else will follow. i am doing well. thanks for the letters and the prayers. i hope you all realize how great it is to have the gospel. i am finding that more and more as i meet people that do not enjoy these blessings. we are teaching a drug addict right now...she is so sweet and sincerely wants to change. its just sad to see her just lost. but i know as she lives the commandments she will find peace. well better get on to other emails.
i love you all so much!
hna smith

chaylse-your ENGAGED!!!!! i cant believe that. well i can because your a cute and intelligent girl. a great catch if i do say myself! wow. so excited for you. you better send me your invitation and pictures of the ring too. im sure he is great. kimmie mentioned that your were serious with someone. i guess flippa is engaged that what i hear? im so excited for you. of course i go on a mission and this would happen...:) well good to hear from you and tell your fiance he's got the best catch ever!
i love you girl.

hna summers-i seriously cried when i saw you wrote! so excited to hear from you. i wondered what you were up to and how you were doing. don't worry you do have a letter from me. i hope you are taking care of yourself...your probably going going going even though you dont feel good..just a guess. the mission is hard! but it is so good too. i never thought it would be this fun! i love talking to the people and sharing my testimony. your right though. i have had doubts just like in the mtc...satan is working hard on me. but the Lord strenghtens me always. the VC is good. we hardly get time to study which is hard especially with spanish. though my comp said my spanish is improving...she's from puerto rico and her spanish is so different. its more like spanlish. she's fun though and works hard. were are working really hard with a few different people. ill have to send pictures of me and my investigators. hna i love the people so much and that's what makes everyday worth it. ill have to tell you about my golden family that dropped us. everything was going good. they were getting baptized the next week. no problems was keeping committments and everything. well she told her husband(they are seperated) that her and the kids were geting baptized and he flipped out. he said he would take the kids if she did and so she told us not to stop by anymore. i love this family so much! i never cried like that before it was so hard. but i know they will be baptized someday. anyways i better go i love you! thanks for the letter.
i will write soon.
hna smith


Improvedliving said...

This is really crazy. sometime the day starts with crazy stuff and ends with crazy stuff.

Kids Spanish Classes Phoenix Arizona