Mesa Arizona Temple

Mesa Arizona Temple
This is where I will serve part of my mission. It's so beautiful!

I'm going on a MISSION!!!!

As you all know I will be serving for the next 18 months in the Arizona Mesa Mission. My mission not only includes proselyting but also the Arizona Temple Visitor's Center. The best part is I get to learn Spanish! I'm so excited for the experiences I will have over these next 18 months. I would love to hear from everyone...seriously! I will write back those who write me so keep those letters coming, I know I am going to need them! Missionary work is tough. Once I leave on June 4th I will most likely not be able to keep up on the blog so I am putting my mom and sister in charge of that. They will post pictures and hopefully any emails I send. So keep updated on my crazy life these next 18 months. I'm so excited to get out and teach the gospel, it is going to be amazing! Thanks to everyone who has influenced my decision to go or who have supported me in my decision. You guys are awesome. I love you all!


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

happy summer:)‏

Hey family and friends!!!

its hard to believe but this is my last week of transfer #7...sister bingham is preparing to go home and its just been crazy. Today we are having a party with sister valentino for all the sisters who are going home. It will be way fun!!! we get to eat home-made burgers....YUM!!!
its been kinda a crazy week...the stress of a sister missionary is just unreal. Let me tell you a story...we have an investigator named might remember him because i told you about how he is getting baptized on saturday. Well we had a little scare. Last saturday was suppose to be him interview so they could announce it at church on sunday and everything. Well i was getting ready for the day on saturday morning and there was a phone call. I answered and it was francisco...he said “sister i have something to tell you but i dont know how you will take it. Ive been up all night thinking about what is going to happen tomorrow and i just dont think im ready for baptism yet.” well i didnt really know what to say. The first thing i thought was how am i going to tell sister bingham its her last baptism...i tried to talk to about it and decide whether it was that he's not ready or just satan trying to stop him. Well there was nothing helping he had decided. Well we took him to the Joseph Smith movie that night and he just loved it. After the movie one of the other sisters that had taught him started talking to him about his baptism and that he already knew sufficient that he needs to make a decision and he turned to me and said “ can i still do it?” i wasnt sure if he was kidding or not but the next day at church he asked us if we were setting up his interview. So long story short...tonight is his interview so let's all pray he stays strong and saturday will be his baptism. He is amazing and will be a strong member. He's kinda like Luis so excited for what the future holds.
So saturday we will find out what will happen...who my new comp will be. Im not sure if i will be going back to the VC or not. It depends if i end up training or not....we will see what the Lord has in store for me. We are hoping to find some new people this week and have sister bingham go out strong. We had a cool experience this week. We starting teaching a lady named Rosio. It was pretty normal lesson until the Joseph Smith story. Sister bingham did the account and after we asked how she felt. She basically started crying...its the first time that's ever happened to me. The interesting thing is that at first she was like “no im catholic” but when we explained who we were and what we had to offer she let us come back.
I pray the Lord will guide me because im not super-missionary. Without Him the work would not function with my mediocre espanol and teaching skills. Im ready for a new adventure in transfer #8. its gonna be my transfer of miracles:)
speaking of miracles let me tell you a story...i have many this week. We have a less-active named lucia who has been really sick. She has a tumor growing on her uterus. About 3 weeks ago she went in because she was bleeding a lot and the doctor told her that she had to abort the baby she was carrying because it would put her in danger and basically bed-rest for 8 months. Well they did the abortion and she was on pain pills and medicine to keep flushing the baby out. Sunday morning they took lucia to the hopsital she was bleeding again a lot. In fact she fainted from lose of blood. Now they still havent taken out the tumor because she has no insurance to pay for it. Well on sunday when they took her in the doctor told her she is still pregnant...tell me how that happens? The baby seems to be healthy and everything!!!
God is a god of miracles...he doesnt forget His children ever. Its still really scary because we dont know what will happen but hopefully it goes thru fine. They are so happy because they on have one child and wanted more. WOW!
Well i hope you are all doing well. Thanks for the birthday wishes and all your encouragement. Keep the letters coming:)
i love you all.
Hna brittany smith

Friday, May 15, 2009



well i am doing well. i got to talk to the family on sunday which was GREAT!!! its always nice to hear familiar voices.
im now one year not sure about the wiser part but im definately older. i spent my b-day with sister colgan and parkus on exchanges. it was really fun!! i even got roses from one of their nice. no really crazy stories im sorry to report but...the place they live at is a mansion. that is not an exaggeration...they actually have a slide that goes down to the basement. i wish i wouldve gone down it but i didnt get the chance.
i tried a new fruit called papaya...i dont know if youve ever gotten that chance but it was an experience. it kinda tasted like rotten food...i kinda hated it. but hey i tried it. it was really fun to be with my mtc companion again and see how much she's changed. she is a good missionary...i learned a lot from being with them and i feel like i have so much to improve on. i guess its good i have 6 months left to improve. I need every second of trying to work extra hard because i dont want any regrets.
Today we are celebrating my birthday in the VC. The burkes(the directors of the VC) called and sang happy bday on our phone. Elder burke just loves so lucky to have the VC its like my family i would go crazy if i didnt have it. Also we are going to be eating hamburgers with sis valentino today and she made me a huge cake and we're eating chocolate cake with her. I might just gain like 20 pounds this week...i hope not.
I dont have too much to update on my area because i havent been in it for 2 days. But as far as we know francisco is doing really well. He's coming to volleyball tomorrow...we are starting to play every thursday as a branch....i couldnt be happier!!!! :) so that's the updates for the week.

Im hoping to find new people this week...we really need it. So when you pray for me and my comp pray that we will be able to find those searching for the gospel.
I hope to hear from you all soon. Thanks for all the bday wishes.

I love you all!!!
hna brittany smith

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Just putting a bug in everyone's ear!
She would LOVE to hear from all of you! If you are reading this take a minute and slip her a card, note or even an email.....



wow...time is flying like you wouldnt believe. We had our training on monday and tuesday which was pretty fun. We had sis. Epps with us who was companions with sis bingham before. She is a really good missionary and i learned a lot. I hope by the time i get ready to go home the sisters will say that about me.
I know im working as hard as i possibly can. The Lord has always blessed me with a positive attitude and boy has that been important as a missionary. Some days are soooooo hard! This area has been such a challenge but im starting to see the fruits of our labors. I think the Lord is trying to humble me...i guess He does that sometimes.
We have been finding new people to teach which has been great. Sunday we fasted to find a family in this area...we're still looking but i know the Lord is preparing a family in this area. I felt the influence of the Holy Ghost more in my life these last 2 weeks then ever. I know that the Lord is guiding this work.
This week we were able to set a baptismal date with a new investigator named fransico. He is so neat...he's 25 and single. He went to church on sunday and loved it! The best part is a member family invited him to dinner with us on sunday and he came!!! i just keep praying he can continue to grow in the gospel and that he will be prepared for the 30th of may. We have found some other promising people this week and im excited because we have people to teach and less tracking(as much fun as that is).
Im getting along with my comp fine...we have different personalities but it all works out ok. She is nervous about going home so kinda freakin out but ill probably be the same.
Im LOVING full-field as much as i miss th VC...they may have to drag me back. Its just freedom to be out with people all day long...its glorious.

Last night we were talking to this sweet little lady from memphis. We had a really good talk with her and then gave her a hug...she then says in a whisper i have to tell you something... “ i use to be a hooker” wow!!! my first encounter with a hooker..she seemed like a normal person that was the freaky part. People tell missionaries EVERYTHING!!! i just love the gospel.
I hope you all know that. I am the happiest i have ever been and i know its because i am here serving the Lord. He has blessed me richly and everyday i have to opportunity to change people's lives. I know coming home will be an adjustment so im glad i have several months to enjoy paradise:)
well i love you all soosoooooooo much! I hope you have the best week ever and happy mother's day!

Hna brittany smith