Mesa Arizona Temple

Mesa Arizona Temple
This is where I will serve part of my mission. It's so beautiful!

I'm going on a MISSION!!!!

As you all know I will be serving for the next 18 months in the Arizona Mesa Mission. My mission not only includes proselyting but also the Arizona Temple Visitor's Center. The best part is I get to learn Spanish! I'm so excited for the experiences I will have over these next 18 months. I would love to hear from everyone...seriously! I will write back those who write me so keep those letters coming, I know I am going to need them! Missionary work is tough. Once I leave on June 4th I will most likely not be able to keep up on the blog so I am putting my mom and sister in charge of that. They will post pictures and hopefully any emails I send. So keep updated on my crazy life these next 18 months. I'm so excited to get out and teach the gospel, it is going to be amazing! Thanks to everyone who has influenced my decision to go or who have supported me in my decision. You guys are awesome. I love you all!


Friday, November 7, 2008

Lov'in it in Mesa!

I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!!!! That is the caption that Hermana Smith put on this photo!!! She is jumping for joy as she continues to serve at the visitor's center at the Mesa Arizona Temple...

The above photo is of Hermana Smith's FIRST baptism. The young man's name is Brandon and he is 12 yrs of age. Hermana Smith and Hermana Colon had a few trials in getting him to this point - but with faith and a lot of prayer, Brandon has recieved a very special gift ~ THE GOSPEL!!!! Congratulations :0)

Now this is a missionary car!!! Actually the sister missionaries found this car in the Stake Center parking lot.... Definately a way to spread the gospel.....

Hermana Colon and Hermana Smith. This is Hermana Smith's 2nd companion. She is from Puerto Rico and is a real "fire cracker" according to Brit! They have a lot of fun together... Now, get to work ladies!!

Hermana Smith with one of the natives in Mesa.....
Hermana Smith and companion during a monsoon! Nice ponchos... Gotta love that SMILE!!!

Hermana Smith and her companion on their P-Day. Visiting one of the National Forests - Is that a cactus or...... WOW they are gynormous!!! (the cactus not the girls!

Hermana Smith proving that she does indeed prosalite vis the "steel horse"! Good on ya ladies! Tighten up those chin straps before taking off though!!!