Mesa Arizona Temple

Mesa Arizona Temple
This is where I will serve part of my mission. It's so beautiful!

I'm going on a MISSION!!!!

As you all know I will be serving for the next 18 months in the Arizona Mesa Mission. My mission not only includes proselyting but also the Arizona Temple Visitor's Center. The best part is I get to learn Spanish! I'm so excited for the experiences I will have over these next 18 months. I would love to hear from everyone...seriously! I will write back those who write me so keep those letters coming, I know I am going to need them! Missionary work is tough. Once I leave on June 4th I will most likely not be able to keep up on the blog so I am putting my mom and sister in charge of that. They will post pictures and hopefully any emails I send. So keep updated on my crazy life these next 18 months. I'm so excited to get out and teach the gospel, it is going to be amazing! Thanks to everyone who has influenced my decision to go or who have supported me in my decision. You guys are awesome. I love you all!


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Count Down...

I have gotten a ton of people asking how I'm feeling so I thought I would share here. I'm down to a 2 week count down until I enter the MTC. For those of you who have been on a mission you probably know how I'm feeling about now. I am excited to do something so self-less with my life and serve the Lord by bringing His children back to Him. With that comes other emotions. I am scared that I'm not prepared to teach, which I don't know how you could ever be prepared to teach something like the gospel. I am nervous to leave behind my family and friends and one very important guy. I just want everyone to stay safe while I'm gone. I don't want any bad news while I'm gone. I know that this mission is the right thing for me to do right now in my life. Everything that matters will still be waiting for me when I get home. I just have to tell myself that. It is 18 months of my life that I have to give thanks to the one who gave me life and gave me this wonderful gospel. I don't know where I would be without the gospel in my life, I definately would not be going to Arizona. I am anxious to get to the MTC and start this chapter in my life. I just know it is going to be the most amazing thing next to motherhood that I could do. My call came from Heavenly Father and I know there are people waiting to hear me teach them the good news that I have to share. So I guess you could say I am very emotional right now. This weekend is my farewell. Coming to see me off are my old roommates Kimmie and Jenna as well as my good friends Kevin and Stephen as well as Paul, the guy I have been dating for the last 2-3 months. It's gonna be a blast but at the same time I am a little nervous for the whole goodbye. I mean Kimmie got me crying as I left Rexburg in the tears may flow this weekend. That's ok though I'm excited for them to come and we can party for the last time until December 2009. All I have to say is look out will never be the same! Keep me in your prayers. I love u all.


Sam said...

I can't believe you'll be leaving so soon!